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Are You Selling What Your CustomersNeed?

Are You Selling What Your CustomersNeed? This is not a comment on the actual item or service you sell but in how you present it. If you’re not using your audience’s language and talking to a need they’ve identified, you’re fighting a marketing battle, and you need to change that today. Here’s why:   Years…

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How to Embrace More Than Just Christmas in Your Business

How to Embrace More Than Just Christmas in Your Business The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and increased consumer spending. For small businesses, this time offers a tremendous opportunity to maximize sales and connect with customers on a deeper level. But if you think of the holiday season as just Thanksgiving and…

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Networking Tips for the New Year

Networking Tips for the New Year The New Year brings new opportunities for personal and business connections.  Networking is a great way to build relationships and expand your professional network. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your networking opportunities: Prepare for the event: Research the event and the people you’ll…

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US Chamber Advice for Small Businesses This Holiday Season

US Chamber Advice for Small Businesses This Holiday Season US Chamber Advice for Small Businesses This Holiday Season A new report from Intuit Quickbooks  shows a unique opportunity for small businesses during Small Business Season. Based on survey results from 5,500 consumers and 1,500 businesses, consumers are planning to spend “over 40% of their holiday shopping…

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Are You Ready for These 3 Workplace Trends?

Are You Ready for These 3 Workplace Trends? Workplace trends come and go like snack carts, but these trends may very well revolutionize the way we work because they are just so darn appealing to most employees. But before we go into these workplace trends, know that they are not for everyone. Your business may…

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5 Ways to Level Up Your Small Biz Marketing

5 Ways to Level Up Your Small Biz Marketing If you’re interested in ways to reach more people, and you’re ready to start maximizing technology, it’s time to look at these business solutions: List Building You need an email list. It’s the best way to stay in touch with your customers, nurture them into a…

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The State of Small Business

The State of Small Business The State of Small Business The chamber is the Voice of Business and as the Voice of Business, there’s something we feel the need to express to everyone in this community. Inflation is being felt everywhere, from Fortune 500 companies to solopreneurs just starting out.   However, the difference between…

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36 Creative Ways to Bring More Attention to Your Business

36 Creative Ways to Bring More Attention to Your Business 36 Creative Ways to Bring More Attention to Your Business Do you need more attention? Do you feel like your business isn’t top of mind in your community? People won’t buy from you if they don’t think of you. While the easiest way to increase…

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3 Creative Ways to Become Top of Mind

3 Creative Ways to Become Top of Mind Do you want people to think about your business before all others? Of course, you do. The first step to patronizing your business is remembering it exists.   Imagine you have a free evening, and you want to go out to eat. It doesn’t matter how amazing…

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TikTok Basics for Business

TikTok Basics for Business Are you on TikTok? Maybe you’re just figuring out video and livestreaming and you have written off TikTok as a site for kids.   While you aren’t wrong about that (32.5% of users are between 10 and 19, while 41 percent of TikTok users are between 16 and 24 years old),…

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